I'm not sure if this belongs here or in feature requests or bug reports.

The long and short of it is that I'd like to have an easier and faster way to plot the altered scale (super Locrian) as R b9 #9 3 b5 #5 b7 and the h/w diminished scale as R b9 #9 3 #11 5 13 b7.

If I'm missing something obvious, let me know.

I've tried setting the option under intervals in preferences to use compound intervals. The scale generator shows compound intervals, but the resulting scale doesn't show compound intervals. Bug? Operator error?

I've also tried setting everything how I want it for one diagram and copying to another diagram, but the interval names don't hold.

I also need to show R as 1 in certain diagrams while retaining R in other diagrams. This is a global setting, only, in preferences – one way or the other.

In all these cases I'm reduced to changing individual intervals and/or using custom labels on a per diagram basis. With six files containing 42 diagrams each, this is extremely tedious and time consuming.

It would be nice to have better control over this stuff an a per file or per diagram basis.
